Tourism Industry Aotearoa Wellington Case Study


At the Tourism Industry Aotearoa headquarters in Wellington, a Why Waste worm farm has been installed as part of the Tourism Sustainability Commitment, a strategy of twelve guiding principles to help the tourism industry across all of Aotearoa reduce waste and become carbon neutral. 

Leading by example is a core component of instigating positive social change. When industry leaders, governing bodies and influencers step up and embrace new systems the ripple effect is that much vaster.

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Tourism Aotearoa Marketing and Events Manager, Lynne Robinson said,

when exploring options for organic waste disposal in the Wellington office, they looked at compost, but as all the staff take public transport, this would have meant someone had to commute with a bucket of waste in hand.

Not ideal.

After searching online, she found Why Waste and chose to have a worm farm installed right alongside the rubbish bins at the main office. Lynne says that she hopes once staff see how easy this is, they will consider getting worm farms installed at home. This ripple effect is a core part of their strategy to ensure positive change is happening both at home and work. 

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In the above image, founder Leo delivers team training during morning tea.

The organisation’s sustainability commitment, seeks to weave this mindset into all areas of their operations from economic, to visitor, community and environmental sustainability. Knowing that the health of one sector nourishes the health of another. 

While the worm farm has only recently been installed, they hope to see a significant decrease in waste going to landfill within the next six months. When asked if she had a message for other organisations this is what Lynne said. 

“Why Waste has made it really easy for TIA to cut the amount of organic waste we send to landfill. Our team has found that worms are fascinating and for the gardeners among us, they provide an amazing fertiliser. Our advice to businesses? Just do it, you won’t regret it.”

Why Waste provides serviced, ready to go worm farms for homes and businesses across a number of regions in Aotearoa, New Zealand. 

To find out if we are currently operating in your area or if a worm farm could help improve the organic waste management in your home or office, please get in touch. 

Positive change made easy with less waste and more goodness. 

Watch our conversation with Lynne Robinson from Tourism Industry Aotearoa


worm farm solutions for your business

Businesses are the second largest contributors of waste (behind households). Our worm farm solutions are a great place for your business to make a more positive impact. Your team will love taking action to improve sustainability in the workplace.

WorkplaceLeo Murray