Education through worm farms in schools
Many folks aren’t aware that sending organic waste to landfill degrades the water, pollutes the air and robs the soil of life. We simply don’t know, what we don’t know.
Why Waste is dedicated to raising awareness around the impacts of poorly managed waste, seeking to inspire change that has a positive impact on our taiao (environment).
Through our inspire Change program we’ve been working with tamariki (children) in low-decile schools, using worm farms to transform food waste into a high-quality resource. This program increases ecological literacy with a vision to create long term change both socially and environmentally.
How it Works
Why Waste’s Inspire Change program kicked off during early 2019, partnering with garden-to-table organisation PiPS (People, Plants in Schools). Seeking to round out the food production and consumption cycle by taking nutrients from the table back to the garden. Students are supported to co-design food waste collection programmes for their school, then implement these programmes with uniquely tailored strategies.
The programme covers:
Collecting biodegradable waste.
Adding biodegradable waste to our Why Waste worm farms.
Caring for the worms.
Harvesting the vermicompost.
Applying the vermicompost to vegetable gardens.
Growing nutrient dense vegetables.
Eating vegetables and taking them home to share with their families.
How you can help
Our Members often express wanting to do more about climate change and are supportive of our efforts to do the same.
Inspire Change is one avenue for our Members to achieve this while supporting the next generation to become responsible kaitiaki of the environment in future. The urgency of our ecological situation requires widespread systemic change. Practical education and social awareness is a key part of making this a reality, right here, right now.
First, if you are already a Why Waste Worm Farm Member, you are supporting Inspire Change to exist and grow. So thank you.
Secondly, when we run promotions, our Members can choose to either keep their rewards, or to donate them towards the Inspire Change program. $40 maintains one of our worm farms in a school for one month.
Thirdly, you can choose to make a one-off donation towards Inspire Change. These donations help us to make bigger changes in leaps and bounds.
Often, significant change happens in many small steps, just like a worm farm. Every bit of support we receive helps to build a future for our earth and our children.
To donate to the program please click the donate button below.