We support our partners to increase their regenerative impact by providing local solutions to global issues
Seeing our socio-economic systems as an ecosystem, we can approach resilience and regeneration the same way that nature does. Nature draws strength through resilience, she is resilient through diversity, and she is diverse through the interconnected web of relationships that create life on earth.
What an incredible time to be alive on this planet!

The time of ‘leave no trace’ has passed
We can no longer ignore or be ignorant to the externalised costs of our economic system.
Our purpose is to tell the truth about the ecological context that sustains our existence. We are dedicated to deep enquiry about our culture and lifestyle, whether they bring us meaning, happiness and fulfillment. Shifting the focus away from the old stories that are no longer relevant or constructive - towards a culture of connection with nature, each other and ourselves.
Our calling is to generate information and inspiration to empower our people, events and organisations to make changes on their own terms. By offering tangible tools for transforming ‘business as usual’ into ‘ethical livelihoods’, we are contributing to the transition from an economy of separation and scarcity into a new story of exchange - with themes of community, abundance, dignity and purpose.
We believe that life on earth could be so much better, for everyone and everything.

Change is coming
We already have everything we need to make the transition towards a more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.
Our mahi is widely recognised as going beyond the status quo of sustainability, of ‘doing less bad’ and instead generating ‘more good’ - for our clients, for our community and for the planet.
A cultural transition away from dependance on distant authorities and power structures towards local autonomy and resilience will bring our communities together in partnership with the natural systems which support us.

We specialise in systems design thinking, regenerative sustainability, and the psychology of change
We are storytellers who use waste as a platform to communicate big picture ideas.
We are leaders who inspire our rangatahi (youth) through workshops, talks and localised projects.
We are civil participants who catalyse change through civil disobedience and non-violent direct-action.
We are social entrepreneurs who create regenerative livelihoods..
We are speakers voicing the needs of a generation who are inherently dissatisfied with the world we’ve inherited from our ancestors.
We are holding our rangatira (leaders) accountable to the needs of many, not the demands of the few.
We are toa (warriors) who comfort the disturbed, and disturb the comfortable.